Manuscript Submission Information for Special Issue

Manuscripts should be submitted online at  by  corresponding author in the specific special issue link called: “The governance of the sustainability in agrifood chain”

1) The corresponding author once completed the article with title, abstract, other authors and related institutions enters in New Medit homepage and push: “Submit your paper

2) If you are not registered, before pushing “Author Login” please register pushing  “register now”.

3) Once registered (corresponding author), push “Submit new manuscript

4) Choose the window with the corresponding special issue “The governance of the sustainability in agrifood chain” and upload the paper in the various required components: title, abstract, key word, other authors and related institutions.


5) Subsequently, based on the Editorial Guest’s evaluation, any revisions to be made will be sent and the final paper should be uploaded again.

A guide for authors and other relevant information for submission of manuscripts is available in the platform of NEW MEDIT on Author’s guideline page.